Area 29 Scavenger Hunt

Howdy, Galactic Explorers. Welcome to the Area 29 Scavenger Hunt!

area 29 map

YOUR MISSION during this crazy cosmic weekend: explore as much of 29 Palms and the Galactic Gathering as possible - and collect points! We suggest playing as a team. 

GRAND PRIZE: The team with the most points by the end of the weekend (August 8-11, 2024, 4:59pm) will win a Grand Prize - hundreds of dollars worth of awesome gift cards and goodies from over 20 local businesses, plus a Grand Prize Trophy! A couple runner-up teams will win fun prize bags as well. 

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Collect Passport Stamps (10 points each) 

  • On your map is a list of special locations in town. Go to a location and tell the proprietor: “Take me to your leader!” They will stamp your passport on the back of the map! 
Galactic Crossword Puzzle (5 points per answer - 100 point bonus if you complete the puzzle!)
  • At each location you will find an Area 29 UFO Card. Look for a QR code on the back. That will take you to a clue for the crossword! 
Bonus Activities! (30 points or more!) 
    • Some of the location QR codes are prompts for fun activities for you to capture, post to Instagram (and other social media), and tag @area29palms on Instagram 

SUBMIT YOUR POINTS by SUNDAY 8/11/2024 at 4:59PM to qualify for the prizes! Winners will be announced as soon as possible! 

HOW TO SUBMIT: Any time before 4:59pm on Sunday 8/11/2024, take a photo of the back of your map showing how many passport stamps and crossword answers you collected, then message it to @Area29Palms on Instagram! Also be sure to mention any bonus activities you completed! Include your phone number. We will message you once winners have been announced! 





We hope you have a galaxy-load of fun. Remember to be safe out there, explorers. 



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